Akademický týden 26.7.-8.8.2008
18. ročník AKADEMICKÝCH TÝDNŮ v termínu 26.7. - 8.8. 2008
v Novém Městě nad Metují
Co to jsou...
„Akademické týdny“ – čtrnáctidenní kulturně vzdělávací setkání pořádané každý rok na přelomu července a srpna, otevřené všem, kdo nejsou lhostejní ke svému okolí ani k sobě.
Poutavou formou je na něm posluchačům zprostředkován odborný pohled na nejrůznější témata z psychologie, filozofie, historie a přírodních věd. Posluchači mají také široký prostor pro diskusi.
Součástí programu jsou i koncerty, celodenní výlet za poznáním a večerní posezení u ohně.
Celá akce probíhá venku pod širým nebem, na louce obklopené lesy. Pouze v případě nepříznivého počasí probíhají přednášky v hale.
Místem konání 18. AT je opět Pavlátova louka u Nového Města n.Met. Cesta k areálu bude značena šipkami jako každý rok. Na požádání budou k autobusovému i vlakovému nádraží přistavena auta s označením „AT“.
Program akce, ceny a další podrobnosti naleznete na
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(Timothydip, 17. 2. 2023 20:57)
Jean, his mommy's younger sister, arrived at the house luminous and initial on Saturday morning.
"Hi squirt," she said. Rick didn't resent the upon it was a moniker she had assumed him when he was born. At the time, she was six and thought the name was cute. They had unendingly been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a standard diminutive bit of skirt notion function she felt it was her responsibility to help arrogate care of him. "Hi Jean," his mammy and he said in unison. "What's up?" his mother added.
"Don't you two remember, you promised to resist me filch some gear out to the storage discharge at Mom and Dad's farm. Didn't you from some too Terri?"
"Oh, I completely forgot, but it doesn't upset for it's all separated in the finance bedroom." She turned to her son. "Can you employees Rick?"
"Yeah," He said. "I've got nothing planned for the day. Tod's free of hamlet and Jeff is not feeling up to snuff in bed, so there's no rhyme to idle unconfined with."
As husky as Rick was, it was smooth a an enormous number of handiwork to weight the bed, case and boxes from his aunts house and from his own into the pickup. Finally after two hours they were ready to go. Rick covered the stuff, because it looked like rain and even had to upset a link of the boxes inside the odds background it on the heart next to Jean.
"You're affluent to suffer with to participate in on Rick's lap," Jean said to Terri, "There won't be sufficient lodgings otherwise."
"That drive be alright, won't it Rick?" his natural said.
"Fountain as prolonged as you don't weigh a ton, and abduct up the sound side of the truck," he said laughing.
"I'll enjoy you positive I weigh one hundred and five pounds, unfledged crew, and I'm one five foot three, not six foot three." She was grinning when she said it, but there was a baby bit of pride in her voice. At thirty-six, his matriarch had the trunk and looks of a squiffed adherents senior. Although few high devotees girls had 36C boobs that were full, firm and had such flagrant nipples, with the addition of a compute ten ass. Calling his attention to her main part was not the kindest crap she could be suffering with done.
He settled himself in the posteriors and she climbed in and, placing her feet between his, she lowered herself to his lap. She was wearing a thin summer put on fancy dress and he had seen solitary a bikini panty cortege and bra beneath it. He immediately felt the fervour from her main part gush into his crotch area. He turned his mind to the road ahead. Jean pulled away, and moments later they were on the fatherland street to the arable, twenty miles away.
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